The Fascinating Behaviour: Why Cats Carry Toys to Bed at Night

Cats have long been known for their mysterious and quirky behaviours, and one of the most endearing of these is their habit of carrying toys to bed at night. If you're a cat owner, you may have wondered why your feline friend engages in this adorable behaviour. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind why cats carry toys to bed at night, backed by scientific studies and expert opinions.

Fluffy white cat sitting on a comfortable cat bed
Hunting Instinct
Cats are natural-born hunters, and even though they may be domesticated, their instincts remain strong. The act of carrying toys to bed mimics their ancestral hunting behaviour. According to Dr. Tony Buffington, a professor of veterinary clinical sciences, cats often perceive their toys as prey items and demonstrate hunting-related behaviours, such as capturing and carrying them(1).

Play and Exercise
Play is an integral part of a cat's daily routine and contributes to their physical and mental well-being. By carrying toys to bed, cats engage in play even when their human companions are asleep. This behaviour helps them release excess energy and stimulates their cognitive abilities, preventing boredom and promoting a healthy lifestyle(2).

Black cat sat on a comfy cat bed surrounded by his cat toys
Marking Territory
Cats are territorial animals, and scent marking is an essential way for them to establish and maintain their territory. By bringing toys to bed, cats may be marking their sleeping area with their scent. The toys act as a familiar and comforting object that carries their scent, making them feel more secure and content in their sleeping space(3).

Comfort and Security
Cats are creatures of habit, and they seek comfort and security in their surroundings. Carrying toys to bed may be a self-soothing behaviour that helps them feel safe and relaxed during the night. The presence of their favourite toys provides a sense of familiarity and reassurance, reducing stress and anxiety(4).

Tabby cat sat on a bed playing with his toy
Cats carrying toys to bed at night is an intriguing behaviour that serves various purposes. It allows them to indulge their hunting instincts, engage in play and exercise, mark their territory, and find comfort and security. Understanding the reasons behind this behaviour can help us appreciate our feline companions even more and provide them with an enriched environment that caters to their natural instincts.

While the scientific studies and expert opinions presented in this blog post shed light on the subject, it's essential to remember that individual cats may exhibit unique variations in their behaviours. As cat owners, it is our responsibility to observe, respect, and accommodate our feline friends' preferences and needs, ensuring they lead happy and fulfilled lives.

(1)Buffington, C.A. (2008). Companionship and the Ecology of Stress. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 10(6), 482-483.

(2)Bradshaw, J.W., Casey, R.A., & Brown, S.L. (2012). The Behaviour of the Domestic Cat (2nd ed.). CABI.

(3)Turner, D.C., & Bateson, P. (2000). The Domestic Cat: The Biology of its Behaviour (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.

(4)Stelow, E., Bain, M., & Kass, P. (2016). The Effects of a Gentle Handling Protocol on Relinquished Cats' Behavioural and Housing Outcomes. Animals, 6(12), 79.
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